SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Mareme N'Diaye

© courtesy Prix de la citoyennete
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Senegalese French Actress.

She stars as Rama (the second mother) in the short world awarded Maman(s) directed by Maïmouna Doucouré (2016), and as Aïcha (the wife) in the feature Amin by Philippe Faucon (2018).

Marème N'DIAYE
... is an actress of French and Senegalese origin

Marène N'Diaye embodies Aïcha, the spouse in "Amin", a Senegalese immigrant in France who gave his name to Philippe Faucon last film.
The young actress is astonishing in her first major part where she is modelled on women who remains in the country, in the shadow of a partner who has to go into exile in order to offer better tomorrows to his loved ones.
She plays a supporting role in "Maman(s)" which was awarded by the César Award for best Short Film.
She has a part in the next Rebecca Zlotowski TV series, currently shooting.




Marème N'DIAYE

... es una actriz franco-senegalesa

Marème N'Diaye encarna a Aicha, la mujer de "Amin", emigrado senegalés que da título a la última película de Philippe Faucon.

La joven actriz es conmovedora en su primer gran papel cinematográfico, donde encarna a la mujer que se queda en el país a la sombra de su pareja, obligado a exiliarse para ofrecer un mejor porvenir a los suyos.

También interpreta un papel secundario en "Mamá(s)", ganador del César del mejor corto en 2017.

Participa en la próxima serie de Rebecca Zlotowski, aún en fase de rodaje.



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  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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