SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central


Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2018
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Amin is from Senegal. He travels to France to find work. The money he sends home provides his wife and children with food. But far from home, his own life is solitary, with nothing but work to fill his days. Then one day he meets Gabrielle.

A film by Philippe Faucon

France, 2018, Feature Fiction, 1h30

starring Emmanuelle Devos, Moustapha Mbengue and Marème Ndiaye

Philippe Faucon's 10th feature

Runtime: 1 hr 31 min (91 min)
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1

Producer: Philippe Faucon (Istiqlal Films)
Co-producer: Olivier Père (Arte France)

Philippe Faucon

Philippe Faucon, Yasmina Nini-Faucon, Moustapha Kharmoudi

Laurent Fénart

Pascal Ribier

Set decoration
Manuel Swieton, Ndiaye Picasso

Sophie Mandonnet, Mathilde Grosjean

Music composer
Amine Bouhafa

Manuel Swieton... production designer (Lyon)
Ndiaye Picasso... production designer (Dakar)
Casting by Leila Fournier
Raphaëlle Beck... casting associate
Dorothée Auboiron... extras casting
Noemy Soffys... extras casting assistant
Shirley Drai... makeup artist
Ignazio Giovacchini... unit production manager
William Herrero... assistant unit manager
Julia Le Noël... assistant production manager
Delphine Passant... post-production supervisor
Marie Fischer... first assistant director
Basile Jullien... second assistant director
Manon Colomb de Daunant... third assistant director
Pascal Ribier... sound
Marie Mougel... boom operator
Stéphane Boissier... first assistant camera
Paul Morin... second assistant camera
Margaux Escourolle... camera trainee: video assistant
Saïd Chtaïbi... key grip
Laurent Van Eijs... gaffer
Alexander Akoka... head of post production
Christophe Bousquet... colorist
Jérome Brechet... dailies producer
Anne-Sophie Queneuille... colorist: dailies
Clara Sansarricq... post-production coordinator
Flora Pascottini... location assistant
François Pujol... location scout
Jean-Pierre Arquié... score producer
Alexandre Tanguy... music mixer
Noëlla Rivière... production administrator

Moustapha Mbengue... Amin
Emmanuelle Devos... Gabrielle
Loubna Abidar
Ouidad Elma
Fantine Harduin

Production Company: Istiqlal Films

2018 | 71st Cannes Film Festival, France
* Selection - Quinzaine des Réalisateurs (50th Directors' Fortnight May 9-19, 2018)
* Première Mondiale / World Premiere
* Cannes Screening: Théâtre Croisette, mardi 15 mai - 8h45
* Cannes Screening: Théâtre Croisette, mardi 15 mai - 18h
* Cannes Screening: Cinéma Les Arcades / Salle 1, mercredi 16 mai - 11h30
* Cannes Screening: Cinéma Le Raimu, mercredi 16 mai - 16h30
* Cannes Screening: Studio 13, jeudi 17 mai - 19h


3 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of