SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central


  • Bergie
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2022
Format : Short
Running time : 7 (in minutes)

A police officer must remove homeless people to make way for a 10K race.

Screenplay : Diane Weys
Image : Pierre de Villiers
Director : Diane Weys
Production company: Lights On

Film by Diane Weys selected for the JCC 2022, in official competition in the category Fiction short film.

*-Clermont-Ferrand Film Festival 2022


1 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of