SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Jim Chuchu

  • Jim Chuchu
© DR
Musician, Film director, Photographer
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo

Kenyan Film Director, photographer, musician, and video artist.
Chuchu, based in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, is a creative all-rounder, photographer, director, musician, and video artist. Chuchu's former band, Just A Band, was part of an art collective, and for them he co-directed what became known as "Kenya's first viral internet meme" starring the irrepressible Makmende. His current projects include a new album and a photography book set in post-apocalyptic Africa.
Il est des réalisateurs de la Collection de Courts métrages African Metropolis (2013), une initiative du Goethe-Institut Afrique du Sud et du Producteur délégué sud-africain Steven Markovitz, rassemblant 7 cinéastes africains : Folasakin Iwajomo (Lagos), Philippe Lacôte (Abidjan), Carole Maloba (Kinshasa), Marie Kâ (Dakar), Vincent Moloi (Johannesburg) Ahmed Ghoneimy (Le Caire) et Jim Chuchu (Nairobi).

He is one the filmmakers of African Metropolis Short Film Project (2013), an initiative of the Goethe-Institut South Africa and South African executive producer Steven Markovitz, gathering 7 African Directors: Folasakin Iwajomo (Lagos), Philippe Lacôte (Abidjan), Carole Maloba (Kinshasa), Marie Kâ (Dakar), Vincent Moloi (Johannesburg) Ahmed Ghoneimy (Cairo) and Jim Chuchu (Nairobi).


4 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of