SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Agence Algerienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel AARC (AARC)

Agence Algerienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel AARC (AARC)
Public relations manager, Co-producer, Cultural operator, Communications officer, Cultural developer, Cultural mediator, Member of a film promotions body, Institution staff
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv, Fine arts, Photo, Literature, Dance, History/society, Intercultural/migrations, Design, Poetry / story telling, Comic strip, Heritage, Arts and crafts

the Algerian Agency for Cultural Outreach under supervision of the Algerian Ministry of Culture, carries two main missions:
-Promoting in the world the heritage, the culture and the arts of Algeria, exploiting their wealth and diversity according to original quality criteria.
-Receiving foreign expressions in our country and provoking, between the disciplines and the artist, international exchanges schemes, based on excellence and discovery.
Its sphere of activity includes:
-The performing arts
-Visuel arts


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YEMA, de Djamila Sahraoui, Algérie, 2012

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YEMA, Djamila Sahraoui, Algeria, 2012 (DIFF Trailer)



  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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