SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
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Media Consulting Group (MCG)

Genre : Cultural operator
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Alain MODOT, Directeur 18 Rue Séguier
75006 PARIS
Tel. : +33 1 55 42 73 01
Fax : 33 1 55 42 00 20
Contact by email

MEDIA CONSULTING GROUP (MCG) is a consulting organisation specialised in the media, cinema and communication industry of programmes.

MCG is active in all sectors of the media industry, intervening in ten areas of expertise.

The Partners

Alain Modot founded USPA, the independent producers' trade association, in 1988 and served as its COO until 1995. During that period he also contributed to the development of CEPI, the first European independent producers' association. He chaired CEPI from 1993 to 1995. Alain Modot launched and managed in 1995 TV France International to support the promotion and export of French audiovisual programmes. After serving Canal Plus Group as Director of Public Affairs from 1997 to 1999, he joined IMCA as partner and head of European affairs until 2002. Experts on European Audiovisual Policy, Alain Modot carried out several studies for the European Commission (DG EAC, DG INF SO) from 2001 to 2007.

Paul-Hervé VINTROU
Paul-Hervé Vintrou worked for 12 years (1986-1998) for the Groupe Canal Plus, as the Director for subscriptions, Managing Director for Commercial Affairs, Director of cable television channels and finally as the General Manager for NC Numéricâble.
From 1998 to 2001, he is Vice President for the consultancy IMCA.
Paul-Hervé Vintrou is also very well-established into the press industry as an Editor, Administrator and General Secretary for the different magazines (Notre Temps, l'Expansion, Harvard Business Review,...) and in the audiovisual production (Videogrammes de France).

Vice-président directeur général du groupe le Monde de 2008 à début 2011, David GUIRAUD a auparavant dirigé le Groupe Les Echos pendant neuf ans. Diplômé de Rouen Business School et du Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français, il a débuté sa carrière dans la presse magazine où il a occupé pendant dix ans des responsabilités de direction commerciale et générale à l'Express et Lire, avant de créer une société de production de films documentaire pour la télévision.


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of