SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Brand Image - Etalons Films

Serge Désiré OUÉDRAOGO, producteur 280, rue Pisbaoré
0226 Ouagadougou
Burkina Faso
Tel. : +226 75 15 64 20 | +226 75 15 64 20
Contact by email

Brand Image-Etalons Films is an audiovisual production company based in Ouagadougou. We work primarily on creative documentaries and TV programs; our films are centered on portraits, travel, politics and societal issues.
We are a young and multidisciplinary team. We offer to the public a unique, demanding and authentically artistic content that conforms to international standards.
To support the emergence of a Burkinabè audiovisual creation economy we are currently developing projects of other young writers: "Pari pour emploi" et "Caméra Treillis" by Loci Kwéné; "Underground" by Jesper Lemke (Danmark); "Congo Way of Life" by Eric Sawadogo; "USA vient voir" by Wendpanga Sankara (United States); "De la chenille au papillon" by Galadio P. Kaboré, and others.


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of