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Autlook Filmsales

Genre : Distribution, Distribution (international sales)
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Peter Jäger Trappelgasse 4/17
A-1040 WIEN
Tel. : +43 720 34 69 34 | +43.664.510.5552 (GSM)
Fax : +43.720.55.35.72
Contact by email

autlook filmsales - founders
AMOUR FOU Filmproduktion GmbH

AMOUR FOU produces films that cross borders with their esthetics, subjects and technologies. Films that question and reflect upon the lines of demarcation between genres and categories, and the future of and possibilities offered by our society and film itself. AMOUR FOU's films occupy a field of tension between avant-garde and narration, experimenand genre, documentary and fiction, abstraction and thespian art, and between film theory and myth.

Navigator Film Produktion KEG
Navigator Film Produktion KEG was founded 1996 in Vienna, Austria, by Johannes Rosenberger, Johannes Holzhausen and Constantin Wulff. The perspective is the production of creative documentaries (shorts and full-length programs) for theatrical release as well as for television distribution and home video / DVD market. The majority of our productions are realized as european co-productions based on a network of partners in Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, England, Slovenia and Slovakia. Navigator Film was a founding member of dok.at, the Austrian board of documentary filmmakers to support the interests of this genre and its creative community. Navigator Film is a member of EDN (European Documentary Network).

Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
Was founded in 1994 by Nikolaus Geyrhalter. Since 2003 a (ltd.) company together with Markus Glaser, Michael Kitzberger and Wolfgang Widerhofer. While the core competence is producing full-length documentaries for theatrical release with special attention on the author's point of view, work on quality TV productions (including series) and smaller fiction productions are directions in which part of the company will move. Our particular interest is encouraging young (and young-at-heart), interesting, innovative and promising talents of European cinema, both present and future.
In the last few years Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion has co-produced films with associates in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.
Our films have been broadcasted in Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Finland, Spain, Portugal, USA, China and Estonia.
Numerous international prizes were awarded to our films, a.o. Golden Dove Leipzig 2004, IDFA 2001 Special Jury Award, Prix de la TSR Nyon 1999, Le Prix Joris Ivens Paris 1998,…

autlook filmsales - company
Sharing the same clear vision on the definition of a Filmsales company, Amour Fou Film, Nikolaus Geyrhalter Film and Navigator Film founded AUTLOOK Filmsales. The chosen name reflects this vision perfectly.

AUTLOOK has four dictionary meanings and each meaning reflects our vision:
1. A point of view, an attitude: a positive AUTLOOK.
Every film is important and has our full attention.
2. Expectation for the future: the long-term AUTLOOK for economic growth.
We believe in long term relationships with all our clients and partners
We build our relationships on trust, mutual respect and passion for
every selected film.
3. To inspect thoroughly, to select.
We select films we are passionate about, and we make sure that every client is passionate about our films.
4. The act of looking out.
We are openminded, curious and positive … these are our ingredients to embrace the future.


Peter Jäger
managing director

Salma Abdalla
international TV sales

Susanne Guggenberger
international TV sales

Astrid Guger
theatrical sales manager & finance

Andrea Hock


2 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of