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"When this man agrees to die for a country that is not his own, he is 36 years old ... Among the first tortured to be able to publicly reveal the practices of the French army, Henri Alleg, for the whole world, it is the "Question", a book published in 1958, in the middle of the Algerian war ... For Algerians, Henri Alleg is first of all a mythical newspaper : "But for the child that I was, Henri and his companions are above all proof that another Algeria was possible, where all his people - Arab-Berber, Blackfoot and Jews - could have lived together... Escorted by a security convoy, cloistered in this car, we haunted the roads of Algeria in the footsteps of their history... I was born of their dream of brotherhood. It made me grow up. Yet this dream, as if deprived of a burial place, seems to have long since disappeared, even if it never existed. Buried under innumerable layers of silence, could I exhume it." Production France 2 Cinéma - Maha Prod - Naouel FIlms - Tarantula. In the process of kinescoping. Distribution Euripide - release 2003
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