SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central


  • Territoire(s)
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1999
Format : Short
Running time : 28 (in minutes)

Territoire(s) is a creative documentary dealing with the idea of territoriality.
Based on Algerian proverbs and sayings, Territoire(s) reviews Algerian history in this century. The french colonisation, the pacification of 1957 and the ultimate independence in 1962. The political leaders are considered in cleverly edited sequences : Boudiaf, Ben bella, Colonel Boumedienne and figures from the Islamic movement like Ali Belhadj and Farakhan. The french and Algerian intellegentias are also included in this kaleidoscopic image of a country that thanks to its eventful colonial past, still has difficulties determining its own identity more than thirty years after its independence. Barbarism is all its forms, including the military forms it can assume with followers of the FIS, is set against the domestic warning of those who plead for keeping eyes open, and keeping society open.

By mixing and confronting archival, contemporary, and fictional images, the document present a personal point of view about violence in integrism, terrorism, and post-modern technology. Three sections are entitled : Algeria and Archaïc violence, The West and the violence of the hyper modernity and the Terrorism and Media.

Proverbs and sayings are an integral part of this complex and intense look at a society in crisis. René Char is also quoted with his statement. "If man would not close his eyes himeself, he would ultimately fail to see what was worthwile to behold

Mots-clés (Keywords)



- Loupbar prize award of the best vidéo. Festival des Nouveaux Médias de Montréal 1996

- Special mention award -VideoBrasil of Sào Paulo-Brasil 1996

- Télévision Award-Festival Multimédia d'Avanca, Porto-Portugal 1998


1 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of