SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Swallows of love (The)

Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2017
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Karin Trappel was born of the love between a 17 year old Austrian, Wilma Schiener and a 20 year old Moroccan soldier, Mohamed Ben Bouchaib. Karin is one of hundreds of children born in 1946 in the Austrian Alps, from the union of French soldiers, mostly Moroccan, and young Austrian women. Karin has in memory an insult thrown by a neighbor or a classmate. "Black Doll", "nasty Moroccan", "go back to your country". The Moroccan soldiers of the French army who occupied Vorarlberg during summer 1945, engendered, some of them without knowing it, hundreds of children with brown hair and black skin. In Austria still marked by the Nazi propaganda, Karin and the other kids were rejected by the society. Many of them committed suicide. Others refused, till the end of their life, to speak about this famous summer 1945. The summer of the Moroccans, the summer of the SWALLOWS OF LOVE. Today, Karin Trappel has undertook reconcilation with her origins.

A film by Jawad Rhalib

Morocco, 2017, Documentary, 1h30

Réalisateur / Scénariste : Jawad Rhalib
Image : François Schmitt, Marouane Bahrar
Journaliste : Zoé Deback
Ingénieur son : Nani Chaouki
Montage : Jawad Rhalib
Montage son et mixage : Pierre Castin
Postproduction HD : R&R Productions 

Direction de production : Nouredine Rhaleb
Musique : Laila Amezian

A production by R&R Productions (Brussels, Belgium)
A coproduction by WIP - Wallonie Image Production (Brussels, Belgium)
A coproduction by Switchpro (Rabat, Morocco)

with the support fo
Fonds Image de la Francophonie (OIF / CIRTEF)
Creative Europe - MEDIA de l'Union Européenne
La Fondation Hassan II pour les MRE
Land Vorarlberg - Autriche

with the help of CCM - Centre cinématographique Marocain
with the participation of TV 2M - Maroc

Sélections : Fespaco 2017 (Burkina Faso), 12th FIFOG 2017 (Geneva), Festival du cinéma d'Alès - Itinérantes (France), TRT Documentary Awards (Turkey), Festival du cinéma méditerranéen de Bruxelles (Belgium).


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of