SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central


  • Orpailleur
© Rezo Films
Genre : Adventure
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 90 (in minutes)

Rod, a young Parisian of Guyanese origin, Gonz, his childhood friend of the cities and Yann, a young lady ecological tourist guide activist find themselves in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, caught in a gear, drawn to the end of the river, in the middle hostile and archaic of the underground gold diggers...

Un film de Marc BARRAT

French Guiana, 2010, Feature Drama, 1h30

starring Tony Harrisson, Julien Courbey, Sara Martins, Jimmy Jean-Louis

1st Guyanese feature film
Winner of the "Trophées du 1er scénario promesse de nouveaux talents" ("Trophies of the 1st scenario promise of new talents")

Duration: 90 mins
Format: Scope - Dolby SRD
Visa: 118,440
Nationality: France

Producer: Richard Magnien

Director: Marc Barrat
Original screenplay: Marc Barrat Apsita Berthelot
Script collaboration: Olivier Torres
Adaptation and dialogues: Salvatore Lista, Marie-Laure Berthelin
Director of photography: Claude Garnier
Sound engineers: Shorty, Laurent Chassaigne, Laurent Gabiot
Composer (songs from the film): Pierre Aviat
Credits music composer: Okou
Editor: Laurence Bawedin
Production designers: Bettina von den Steinen, Claude Fernandez
Costume designer: Cécile Guiot
Production manager: Thomas Jaubert
Assistant director: Xavier Douin
Casting director: Nathalie Cheron
Music supervisor: Roland Moncorger, Eric Michon

Tony Harrisson (Rod),
Julien Courbey (Gonz),
Sara Martins (Yann),
Jimmy Jean-Louis (Myrtho),
Philippe Nahon (Zpapa),
Thierry Godard (Lavergne),
George Aguilar (Joseph the Amerindian),
Malick Bowens (Aldemir),
Cyril Gueï (Jefferson),
Ricky Tribord (Roland),
Josy Mass (Eugenie),
Viviane Emigré (Fifine),
Serge Abatucci (Yvon),
Soding Poloé (Assékendé),
Philippe Passon (The Mechanic),
Roger Vaïti (The roadmender)
Cyrille Hertel (Brascovic)

Production: Mat Films
Co-production: France 3 Cinéma

With the participation of
TPS Star
Cinema cinema

In association with
Cofimage 20
Banque Populaire Image 9

With the support of
The Guyana Region
The European Union
The General Council
The Regional Cooperation Fund
The Overseas Cinematography Assistance Fund (Fonds d'Aide aux Cinématographies d'Outre-Mer)

In partnership with
The Diversity Images Fund

French Distributor: Rezo Films


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