SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

One Step Forward: The Inside of Corruption

  • Un pas en avant, les dessous de la corruption
© Tchoko Tchoko 7ème Art
Genre : Comedy
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2010
Format : Feature
Running time : 105 (in minutes)

A small craftsman disappears. His brother, grocer, is looking for him. Surprise! He chances upon on embezzlement of humanitarian aid. Someone makes money. But who? What the small craftsman
is looking for there?

A small merchant disappears, his brother, a grocer, goes looking for him and - what a surprise! - stumbles upon a scheme to divert Humanitarian Aid. Someone is benefiting from this, but who? And what is a small merchant doing in the middle of all this? An investigation, happenstance, suspense, pursuit and murder follow. But beneath the drama, comedy and delightful performance of the lead actor, the serious questions remain: why are the people with the greatest need passively willing to see an important part of the international relief aid disappear? Why does no official seriously make a stand against this state of affairs? And more generally, why do so many Africans turn their backs on politics, when politics are so crucial to their lives?

A film by Sylvestre Amoussou · Benin 2010 · 1h45m · 35mm · French with English Subtitles · Feature

Scénario/Script : Sylvestre Amoussou ;
Images/Pictures : Julien Roux ;
Son/Sound : Julien Ngostrong ;
Montage/Editing : Latifa Namir ;
Musique/Music: Wasis Diop ;
Décor/Set design : Gregoire Marie Noudehou ;

Interprètes/Actors: Sylvestre Amoussou, Thierry Desroses, Sandra Adjaho, Sidiki Bakaba, Dieudonné Kabongo, Rokhaya Niang, Firmine Richard, Nadège Beausson-Diagne, Fatou Ndiaye, Pascal Nzonzi, Mariame Kaba, Sandrine Bulteau.

Durée/Length: 1h45mn
Format : 35 mn
Affiche/Poster: Tchoko Tchoko 7ème Art ;

Contact :
Tél. : 0683141447 ;
Email : sylvestreamoussou(@)gmail.com


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Un pas en avant, les dessous de la corruption - TRAILER [...]

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Un pas en avant, les dessous de la corruption



  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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