SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Nuvem le poisson lune

  • Nuvem le poisson lune
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 30 (in minutes)

Cloud, a young man who greatly enjoys wandering and daydreaming, lives in the centre of the Creole shantytown in Lisbon. In this neighbourhood that looks like the court of miracles where old toothless fishermen mingle with rappers, he passes for the village idiot. With little inclination for working, he prefers the compa ny of dogs and clowns. Fa ced with the indifference of the barmaid with whom he is in love and the disdain of his peers, Cloud begins his quest for the mysterious sunfish …

a film by Basil da Cunha
2011, CH - PT, 30', 35mm, color, Dolby SRD

Format tournage / Formato rodagem / Filming format: HD
Format diffusion / Formato projecção / Distribution format: 35mm
Durée / Duração / Length: 30'
Format image / Janela / Aspect ratio: 1:1.85
Son / Som / Sound: Dolby SRD
Version / Língua / Version: Crioulo, português, français
Sous-titrage / Legendagem / Subtitles: Français, português, English

Nelson Duarte

Et la participation de/E a participação de / And with the pa rticipa tion of
Marlene Alexanda Lopes Monteiro... Tuna
Alvaro Lopes... Manga
Manuel da Veiga... Nola
Manuel dos Santos... Careca
Vitor Cabral... Dom CV
Boubacar Djalo
Antonio Barros... Nikila
Pedro Diniz... Machine
Michel Angelo... MSG
Umaro Camara
Fabio Gomes
Augusto Delgado... Buskubu
Antonio Mota Brás
Joaquim Rosa Gomes
Andreia Filipa Pina... Tirintintim
Carlos Manuel Correia Veiga... Saboia
Carlos Baessa Mendes Britos... Bitola
Janilton Semedo... Abrov
Luis Fernando Pereira... Kampetchi

Réalisation / Realização / Film Director: Basil Da Cunha
Scénario et dialogues / Argumento e diálogos / Screenplay and dialogues: Basil da Cunha & Nelson Duarte & Pedro Diniz
Assistant réalisation / Assistente de Realização / Assistant director: Pedro Diniz Machine
Image / Fotografia / Image: Basil Da Cunha & José Pereira Consiglieri Pedroso
Son / Som/Sound: Filipe Tavares
Montage/Montagem/Editing: Basil Da Cunha & José Nascimento
Montage et mixage son/ Montagem et mistura som/ Editing and sound mixing: Adrien Kessler
Assistant image/Assistente imagem/Image assistant: Claudio Bomfim
Assistant son/Assistente som/Sound assistant: Maria Carolina & Barbedo Mendes
Assistants de plateau/Assistente de plateau/Set assistants: Michel Angelo MSG & José Milton Moreira Litos & Carlos Baessa Mendes Britos Bitola
Postproduction/Pós-produção/Postproduction: Laurent Kempf

Etalonnage/Etalonage/Calibration: Robin Erard - Grading Room, La-Chaux-de-Fonds
Auditorium/Estúdio de gravação/Studio: Hans Künzi - SDS Bern
Laboratoire/ Laboratório /Laboratory: Technicolor - Roma
Design graphique/Design gráfico/Graphic design: Karen Schmutz & Hadrien Gliozzo

Thera Production, Julien Rouyet et Geneviève Rossier

Coproduction/ Co-produção/Coproduction
O Som e a Fúria, Luis Urbano
Box Productions, Elena Tatti et Thierry Spicher

Avec le soutien de/ Com o apoio de /With the support of
La Fondation vaudoise pour le Cinéma, Loterie Romande, Canton de Vaud et Ville de Lausanne
Le Fonds REGIO Films avec
la Loterie Romande
La Ville de Renens

Summary for official catalogues

Cloud, a young man who greatly enjoys wandering and daydreaming, lives in the centre of the Creole shantytown in Lisbon. In this neighbourhood that looks like the court of miracles where old toothless fishermen mingle with rappers, he passes for the village idiot. With little inclination for working, he prefers the compa ny of dogs and clowns. Fa ced with the indifference of the barmaid with whom he is in love and the disdain of his peers, Cloud begins his quest for the mysterious sunfish …

a film by Basil da Cunha, 2011, CH - PT, 30', 35mm, color, Dolby SRD


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Nuvem le poisson lune



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  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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