SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Lazy Susan (Susan bonne à rien)

Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2015
Format : Short
Running time : 11 (in minutes)

A friendly waitress, Susan, works at an everyday Cape Town restaurant, deftly serving gluttons and wasps, hipsters and high-tippers, racists and lechers. With some effort she maintains both wit and service in the face of obnoxious customers - until a lousy tip gets the better of her.

Susan works a double shift in a restaurant in Cape Town where she serves greedy people, WASPs, hipsters, racists and ladies' men. Even when she has annoying customers in front of her, with some effort she is able to keep her spirits high and offer good quality service, until she is humiliated by a paltry tip. Everything is shot from the point of view of the "lazy Susan" on the table and mixes dark comedy and social criticism with humour and irony.

a film by Stephen Abbott

South Africa / 2015 / short narrative / 11'

starring Chi Mhende, Carel Nel, Siv Ngesi, Shamilla Miller, Rory Acton-Burnell, Dylan Edy, Lemo Tsipa, Pierre Malherbe, Kerstin Francis, Nick Pauling, Roxanne Kalie, Louise Saint-Claire, and Tiffany Barbuzano

Directed by Stephen Abbott
Written by Stephen Abbott, Eduan van Jaarsveldt

Produced by Dylan Voogt, Stephen Abbott

Prod : Stealth Donkey Moving Pictures,
in association with Stage 5 Films and Shorty's Film Contest



Susan fa il doppio turno in un ristorante di Città del Capo che serve golosi, wasp, hipster, razzisti e donnaioli. Anche di fronte a fastidiosi clienti, con qualche sforzo riesce a mantenere alto lo spirito e la qualità del servizio, fino a quando una mancia pidocchiosa la umilia. Tutto girato dal punto di vista di un vassoio girevole sulla tavola, in inglese" lazy susan", il film mescola commedia dark e critica sociale con humour e ironia.

di/by Steven Abbott - Sudafrica, 10' - Inglese, xhosa con sott. eng e Ita / CC / RBS

Regia/Direction: Stephen Abbott

Sceneggiatura/Screenplay: Stephen Abbott, Eduan van Jaarsveldt

Fotografia/Camera: Pierre de Villiers

Montaggio/Editing: Stanley M. Agnew

Suono/Sound: Craig Ryneveld

Musica/Music: James Matthes

Durata/Time: 10'

Versione Originale/Original Version: inglese, xhosa

Produzione/Production: Stealth Donkey Moving Pictures

Stealth Donkey Moving Pictures
+27 83 367 9330



2 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of