SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central


  • Jerichow
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008

Al di fuori dei soliti percorsi di vita tre persone fanno un incontro decisivo. Thomas, giovane e forte, è congedato dall'esercito con disonore. Ali, un affabile uomo d'affari turco, ha attraversato periodi difficili, ma ora la sua unica preoccupazione è che i dipendenti del suo bar non lo imbroglino. Laura, un'affascinante donna dal passato oscuro, sembra trovare rifugio tra le ombre del suo matrimonio con Ali. Thomas, Ali e Laura si tengono d'occhio a vicenda nascondendo ciascuno i propri segreti. Cercano amore ma anche sicurezza. Credono di essere indipendenti e quello che desiderano può essere conquistato solo con il tradimento.

paese: Germania
anno: 2008
genere: fiction
regia: Christian Petzold
data di uscita: DE 08/01/2009, FR 22/04/2009
sceneggiatura: Christian Petzold
cast: Benno Fürmann, Nina Hoss, Hilmi Sözer, André Hennicke, Knut Berger, Marie Gruber
fotografia: Hans Fromm
montaggio: Bettina Boehler
scenografia: K.D. Gruber
musica: Stefan Will
produttore: Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber
produzione: Schramm Film Koerner + Weber
supporto: German Federal Film Board (FFA), BKM, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
distributori: Piffl Medien Filmverleih, Jour2fête (FR)
rivenditore estero: The Match Factory

premi/partecipazioni principali

2008 | Venezia 2008
* In Concorso


Fuera de los caminos trillados se produce el fatídico encuentro entre tres personajes. Thomas, joven y fuerte, ha sufrido una deshonrosa expulsión del ejército. Ali, un afable hombre de negocios turco, ha atravesado momentos difíciles pero ahora su principal preocupación es asegurarse de que los empleados de sus bares no le engañen. Laura, una atractiva mujer de oscuro pasado, parece encontrar refugio a la sombra de su matrimonio con Ali. Thomas, Ali y Laura se vigilan mutuamente y guardan celosamente sus secretos. Quieren amor pero también seguridad y además se consideran independientes. Sin embargo, lo que desean sólo puede conseguirse mediante la traición.

país: Alemania
año: 2008
género: ficción
dirección: Christian Petzold
fecha de estreno: DE 08/01/2009, FR 22/04/2009
guión: Christian Petzold
reparto: Benno Fürmann, Nina Hoss, Hilmi Sözer, André Hennicke, Knut Berger, Marie Gruber
fotografía: Hans Fromm
montaje: Bettina Boehler
escenografía: K.D. Gruber
música: Stefan Will
productor: Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber
producción: Schramm Film Koerner + Weber
apoyo: German Federal Film Board (FFA), BKM, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
distribuidores: Piffl Medien Filmverleih, Jour2fête (FR)
ventas en el extranjero: The Match Factory


Off the beaten track, three people stumble into a fateful encounter. Thomas, young and strong, has been dishonorably discharged from the army. Ali, an affable Turkish businessman, has seen some hard times but now his primary concern is making sure the employees of his snack-bars don't cheat him. Laura, an attractive woman with a dark past, seems to find refuge in the shadows of her marriage to Ali. Thomas, Ali, and Laura keep an eye on each other and keep their secrets to themselves. They want love but also security. They consider themselves independent, and what they desire can only be achieved by betrayal.

country: Germany
year: 2008
genre: fiction
directed by: Christian Petzold
release date: DE 08/01/2009, FR 22/04/2009
screenplay: Christian Petzold
cast: Benno Fürmann, Nina Hoss, Hilmi Sözer, André Hennicke, Knut Berger, Marie Gruber
cinematography by: Hans Fromm
film editing: Bettina Boehler
art director: K.D. Gruber
music: Stefan Will
producer: Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Michael Weber
production: Schramm Film Koerner + Weber
backing: German Federal Film Board (FFA), BKM, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
distributor: Piffl Medien Filmverleih, Jour2fête (FR)
sales agent: The Match Factory

Main awards/selection

2008 | Venezia 2008
* In Competition


1 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of