SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Home Sweet Home [dir: N. Naous] - هوم سويت هوم

  • Home Sweet Home [dir: N. Naous] - هوم [...]
Genre : Social
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2014
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 59 (in minutes)

The director's father spent 40 years of his life as the founder and director of "Rabia Lebanese School," a secular school in Beirut's southern suburbs, which was once a mixed area, but is now predominately Shiite and a stronghold of Hizbullah. Today, 69 years old and drowning in debt, he must sell the school and retire. Her mother is relieved to see the school up for sale. For the director, returning home after many years spent abroad, the school's closure spells the death of an era in Lebanon, as she sets out to document this painful period in the lives of her family as well as in the life of the country.

A film by Nadine Naous

Lebanon / France, 2014 / documentary, 59min / Digi Beta / In Arabic with English subtitles

Country of Production: France
Country: Lebanon

Director: Nadine Naous
Script: Nadine Naous
Cinematography: Talal Khoury,
Nedjma Berder
Music Composer: Rayess Beik
Editing: Pauline Casalis, Gladys Joujou
Sound: Myriam Chayeb
Sound Designer: Samuel Mittleman

TS Productions /Céline Loiseau
UMAM Productions / Monika Borgmann
Paris-Brest Productions / Olivier Bourbeillon


تعود المخرجة إلى بلدها لبنان
بسبب صعوبات مالية يواجهها
والدها، مدير مدرسة تقدمية في
منطقة جنوب بيروت،. يشكل
اللقاء في منزل العائلة فرصة
لإجراء مناقشات حيوية وغالباً ما
تسودها روح الدعابة. من هذه
المناقشات يظهر تاريخ البلاد
والتغيير السياسي الذي قد حوّل
المجتمع بشكل لا رجعة عنه


1 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of