Delou, a young family mother and teacher, works with the civil society to defend women's rights. Delou and her husband Ado are getting on really well. The police
intervention during a demonstration organized by the civil society protesting against a bill on increased salary and allowances for cabinet members, parliamentarians and other high officials, drastically changes their life as a couple.
Scenario/Script: Idi Nouhou, Maman Idi Siraji, Moussa Inné Kaka
Décor/Set Design: Touré Alhousseini
Interprètes/Actors: Aminata Issaka, Zénébou Malam Issoufou, Nouhou Foundi
Images/Pictures: Hassane Mézine, Sani Issoufou, Mohamed Abdoul Latif
Son/Sound: Théophile Lardia Tchiambiano
Montage/Editing: Aba Kiara
Musique/Music: Boubacar Mahaman