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Sanaa Central

Semih Kaplanoglu

Semih Kaplanoglu
© World Cinema Amsterdam 2010
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Semih Kaplanoğlu (born in 1963, Turkey) studied at the film and television school at Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir. He made several award-winning commercials and directed the 52-episode television series Sehnaz tango, of which he also wrote the screenplay. Kaplanoğlu is one of the most profiled writers/directors/producers of present-day filmmaking in Turkey. His feature début, "Away from Home", was screened worldwide and "Angel's Fall" received several international awards. After that he started working on his so-called "Yusuf trilogy", which traces the origins of a soul. All parts have been included in the World Cinema Amsterdam programme: "Egg", "Milk" and "Honey".

2010 Honey (Bal)
2008 Milk (Süt)
2007 Egg (Yumurta)
2004 Melegin Düsüsü (Angel's Fall)
2000 Herkes kendi evinde (Away from Home)
1993 Asansör (Elevator)

1988 Mimar sinan (The Architect)
1987 Old Houses, Old Masters
1984 Mobapp


Semih Kaplanoğlu
Geboren 1963 in Izmir. 1984 schloss Semih Kaplanoğlu sein Studium, Fachrichtung Kino und Fernsehen, an der Universität der Schönen Künste Dokuz Eylül in Izmir ab. Er arbeitete als Kameraassistent, war Autor und Regisseur der 52-teiligen Fernsehserie Şehnaz Tango und debütierte 2000 als Kinoregisseur. Bal ist der dritte Teil einer Trilogie von in sich geschlossenen und nicht miteinander verknüpften Filmen zum Leben, wobei Kaplanoğlu sich in den Filmen Yumurta (Ei) und Süt (Milch) langsam in die Kindheit zurückgetastet hat, bei der er mit Bal (Honig) nun angekommen ist. Er versteht ihn als Appell, die Natur besser zu schützen.

Source: Trigon Film
World Cinema Amsterdam 2010


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of