SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Rachid Naim

Rachid Naim
© DR

Moroccan Film Critic and Professor.

Rachid Naim is member of the Moroccan Film Critics Association (MFCA / AMCC). Founder and Festival Director of Safi Film Days (Journées Cinématographiques de Safi), annual event, he is author of several academic papers and film reviews. He regularly participates in various festivals, symposia and seminars (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Belgium, France).
In December 2016, Rachid Naim ‎(رشيد نعيم)‎ was Member of the African critic Jury (AFCC / FACC) at Zagora International Transsaharian Film festival- FIFT 2016. The Moroccan feature LES HOMMES D'ARGILE / MEN OF CLAY directed by Mourad Boucif won that Film Critic Award (FACC) at Zagora.


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  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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