An Israeli sniper suffers mission drift during a stakeout of a Palestinian couple. This film explores the psychology of violence in the absence of restraints.
Directors: Hazim Bitar & Rifqi Assaf / Scriptwriter: Hazim Bitar & Rifqi Assaf / Dialoug: Hazim Bitar / Fiction / 16 min / 2008
As of Oct 1, 2008, The View has been selected the Franco-Arab Film Festival competition (08), Ismailia Film Festival (08) competition, Egypt. Middle East International Film Festival (08) competition, UAE. Boston Palestine Film Festival (08), USA. San Francisco Arab Film Festival (08), USA. Golden Menbar Film Festival (08) competition, Russia. Golden Taghit Film Festival (08), Algeria.
- Winner of Best Short Film at the Franco-Arab Film Festival 2008 (1400 USD)
- Winner of Best Short Film at the Middle East Intermational Film Festival 2008 (75000 USD)