SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Nogochi (The Human Race)

  • Nogochi
Genre : Historical
Type : Fiction
Original title : Nogochi (La race humaine)
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

In 1863, Stevenson, a freed young American slave, failed on the African soil of his ancestors. Adopted by Benkoro a traditional master hunter Donso, he is renamed Sibiri. At the same time the Colonel Pierre de Fontenoy massacred the family of the young Waraba. Seven years later, the fate of Sibiri rocked the day he was chosen by the Spirits to protect the mystical treasure hidden in his village. A treasure coveted by the Colonel who can not imagine recrossing the path of Waraba who survives in the bush in search of revenge.

Sibiri Traoré, Alexis Manenti, Aissata Boucary Maiga

a film by Toumani SANGARÉ

Mali / France, 2019, Feature Fiction, adventure

Title: NOGOCHI (The Human Race)
Category: Feature Film
Production year: 2019
Countries: Mali, France
Genre: Adventure
Colors : Color
Locations: Village of Koflabè (Kati, Mali)

Sibiri Traoré......................... Stevenson / Sibiri
Alexis Manenti...................... Pierre de Fontenoy
Aïssata Boucary Maïga.......... Waraba

Toumani Sangaré

Christian Vila, Toumani Sangaré

Gwénaël Giard Barberin, Toumani Sangaré

Director of photo:
Nourou Sarr

Damien Vandesande

Production companies: Art2voir & Warafilms
International sales: Orange Studio
French Distributor: Orange Studio
Video edition: Orange Studio



2019 | Avant-Première (Bamako, Mali)
* Canal + Mali, Warafilms et BanKO Productions vous invitent à l'avant-première du film NOGOCHI, ce jeudi 19 Septembre 2019 à 20h30 au Magic Cinéma de Bamako (Ex Babemba)

Summary for official catalogues

Nogochi qui signifie "la race humaine" en Bambara, est un film d'aventure fantastique dans l'Afrique précoloniale dont l'intrigue se déroule dans les années 1880 au pays Mandé au début du Soudan français.


1 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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