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Sanaa Central

Abouna (Our Father)

  • Abouna (Notre père)
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2002
Format : Feature
Running time : 81 (in minutes)

Tahir (15) and Amine (8) wake up one morning to learn that their father has left home. The brothers decide to go looking for him and end up playing hookie from school, wandering through the city, hanging about and going to the movies. Which is where, one day, they see their father on the big screen and decide to steal the reel as a memory of their absent father.

15-year-old Tahir and 8-year-old Amine wake up one morning to learn that their father has left home. The brothers decide to find him and wander through the city. Deeply disturbed by this sudden disappearance, they begin to hang about, play hooky and go to the movies, where, one day, they think they recognize their father on the screen. They manage to steal the reels and look for his face on the film, but the police arrest them. Weary of their antics, their mother sends them far away to study in a religious school.

estrelado / starring / avec :
Ahidjo Mahamat Moussa, Hamza Moctar Aguid, Zara Haroun, Mounira Khalil, Koulsy Lamko, Garba Issa

um filme de / film by / un film de
Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN

Chad, France | 2002 | Feature Narrative | 1h25 | Drama | Color | 35 mm

Propos du réalisateur
"Trop souvent, j'ai vu des films nostalgiques sur l'enfance. Abouna se veut plutôt un film sur cette dure réalité qu'est l'absence traumatisante d'un parent. Pour cela, j'ai pris, pour les rôles principaux, des enfants vivant ou ayant vécu cette douloureuse expérience. Au Tchad, je connais beaucoup d'enfants qui, du fait de la guerre ou encore pour d'autres raisons, ont vu leur père partir. Abouna, film sur les enfants, est totalement raconté de leur point de vue, laissant libre cours à leur imaginaire, leur crédulité… Quant à la caméra, elle est très libre, comme l'est l'esprit du film, qui s'est fait tout en improvisation pour capter la vérité des enfants. Une caméra qui bouge autant que les gamins pour mieux saisir leur énergie. "
- Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN

Título / Original title / Titre Original : Abouna (Notre père)
Título Internacional (en Inglês) / International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : Abouna (Our Father)
Título (França / Bélgica) / Title (France / Belgium) / Titre (France, Belgique) : Abouna (Notre père)
Outro título (em árabe) / Other Title (in Arabic) / Autre Titre (en arabe) :
Outro título / Other Title / Autre Titre :
Duração / Duración / Runtime / Durée : 81' (1h21 minutes, 01:21:00)
Tipo / Type / Type : Longa-metragem de ficção / Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Gênero / Genre / Genre : Drama / Drama / Drame
Idioma / Languages / Langues de tournage : Francês, Árabe / French, Arabic / Français, Arabe
Subtítulos / Subtitles / Sous-titres : Francês, Inglês / French, English / Français, Anglais
País de Produção / Country of Production / Pays de Production : Chade, França / Chad, France / Tchad, France
País do Diretor / Filmmaker's Country / Pays du réalisateur : Chade / Chad / Tchad
País de filmagem / Country of Filming / Pays de tournage : Chade / Chad / Tchad
Ano de Produção / Year of production / Année de production : 2002
Ano de lançamento / Year of Release / Année de Sortie : 2002
Cores / Colors / Couleurs : Cor / Color / Couleur
Suporte de difusão / Media / Support de diffusion :
Formato / Aspect Ratio / Format Image :
Formato de som / Sound Mix / Format Son :
Orçamento estimado / Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel :
TAGS : Expatriação, Emigração, Africano Expatriado, Mgração forçada, Expatriation, Emigration, African Expatriate, Forced Migration, Expatriation, Émigration, Africain Expatrié, Migration forcée, Esgotamento nervoso, Mental breakdown, Dépression nerveuse, Família, Family, Famille, Morte, Death, Mort, Criança, Child, Enfant, Casamento, Wedding, Mariage, Mulher, Woman, Femme, Esposa, Spouse, Wife, Épouse

CAST / ACTRICES-ACTEURS (in credits order)
Ahidjo Mahamat Moussa............................................ Tahir
Hamza Moctar Aguid.................................................. Amine
Zara Haroun.............................................................. Achta (Mother / La mère)
Mounira Khalil (Mounira Mitchala)................................. The Mute Girl / La muette
Diégo Moustapha Ngarade (as Diego Mustapha N'Garade)... Uncle Adoum
Koulsy Lamko............................................................. The Father / Le père
Garba Issa................................................................. The Headmaster (The Teacher) / Le marabout
Ramada Mahamat...................................................... The teacher's wife / La femme du marabout
Hassan Boulama......................................................... Hassan
Sossal Mahamat.......................................................... Teacher's assistant / L'assistant du marabout
Hadje Fatime N'Goua.................................................... The doctor / La Doctoresse
Nouraldine Mahamat Alio............................................... Police chief / Le Chef de la Police
Christophe N'Garoyal.................................................... Factory manager / Directeur d'usine
Haoua Tantine Abakar................................................... Angry neighbour / Voisine colérique
Adoum Albert............................................................... Fighting boy / Garçon bagarreur
Mahamat-Saleh Abakar... Boy with football / Garçon au football
Akacha Ali Kaya... Pupil in front of school / Elève devant l'école
Maki Malloum... Hospital attendant / Patient à l'hôpital
Charles Mahamat... Policeman / Policier
Abba Sabre... Cinema attendant / Client au Cinéma

Guillaume de Seille
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Abderrahmane Sissako
Executive producer

Kalala Hissein Djibrine

Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN

Guionista / Screenwriter / Scénariste :
Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Dir. de Fotografia / Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo :
Abraham Haile Biru

Directore de Som / Sound Recordist (Sound Engineer) / Ingénieur du son :
Marc Nouyrigat

Musica / Music / Musique :
Diego Moustapha Ngarade (Diego Mustapha Ngarade)

Montagem / Editing / Montage :
Sarah Taouss Matton (Sarah Taouss-Matton)

Desenhista de produção (Diretor de arte) / Production designer / Décors :
Laurent Cavero

Figurinista (Estilista) / Costume Design / Costumes (Création des Costumes) :
Hassanie Lazingar (Hassanié Lazingar)

Cabeleireira / Hair stylist / Cheffe coiffeuse :
Fatime Lamana

Maquiadora / Makeup artist / Cheffe maquilleuse :
Fatime Lamana

Gerente de Produção / Unit production manager / Directeur de production :
Moctar Ndiouga Bâ
Bichara Haroun
Francoise Madiom

Supervisor de produção / Production supervisor / Chargée de production :
Bénédicte Thomas

Sound Mixing / Mixage Son :
Laurent Dreyer

Sound editor / Monteur Son :
Olivier Laurent

Sound Assistant / Assistant Son :
Ousman Bougoudi Wady (as Ousman Bougoudi)

Sound effects editor (Sound designer) / Monteur Effets Sonores :
Bertrand Boudaud

Additional foley mixer / Mixeur Bruitage :
Julien Martin

Primeira assistente de Realização / First Assistant Director / 1ère Assistante Réalisatrice :
Katia Nicolas

Assistentes Realização / Assistant Director / Assistants Réalisateurs :
Cyril Danina
Boukar Doungous

Ajudou (Chefe maquinista) / Key grip / Chef machiniste :
Richard de Vadder

Gaffer / Chef électricien (Chef Électro) :
Francis Tigueta

Primeiro Assistente Caméra / First Camera Assistant / Premier Assistant Caméra :
Mathieu Giombini

Segunda Assistente Camera / Second Assistant Camera / Seconde Assistante Caméra :
Barbara Visser (as Barbera Visser)

Script supervisor (Continuity) / Scripte-Girl :
Delphine Régnier

Fotógrafos de cena / Set photographers (Still photographers) / Photographes de plateau :
Franck Verdier
Esther Nadjita

Colorist / Etalonneur :
Pascal Massonneau

Assistant editor / Assistant monteur :
David Lacour

Production administrators / Administration de Production :
Christèle Boucher (as Christelle Boucher)
Rémi Roy

Public Relations Officer / Attachée de presse du film :
Monica Donati

Tony Gatlif

Chinguitty Films (as Duo Films)
Goï-Goï Productions

Arte France Cinéma

Fonds Sud Cinéma,
Ministère des Affaires étrangères (ADC Sud)
Fonds Francophone (OIF / CIRTEF)
Commission Européenne
Hubert Bals Fund
Ministry of Promotion and Development

United Kingdom, 2002: ICA Projects
France, 2003 : MK2 Diffusion
Netherlands, 2003 : Filmmuseum Distributie (theatrical)
Netherlands: Filmfreak Distributie (video)
Netherlands, 2003: International Film Festival Rotterdam (for, theatrical)
Germany: Kairos Filmverleih
Poland (POLOGNE) : SPI International Polska | 17/10/2003
United States (ETATS-UNIS), 2004: Leisure Time Features (subtitled Version) | 20/02/2004
Sweden (SUÈDE), 2008 : Novemberfilm | 29/09/2008

Mk2 films

Trigon Film
- www.trigon-film.org/en/shop/DVD/Abouna_-_Our_Father
- www.trigon-film.org/fr/shop/DVD/Abouna

Finland: 11 Jan. 2005 (TV premiere)

CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)
Mk2 films

France : 19 mars 2003 (MK2 Diffusion)
Royaume-Uni (UK) : 22 Nov 2002
Pays-Bas (Netherlands) : 18 septembre 2003
Poland (POLOGNE) : 17/10/2003 (SPI International Polska)
États-Unis (USA) : 20 février 2004 (New York City, New York) (Leisure Time Features)
Allemagne (Germany) : 29 avril 2004
Sweden (SUÈDE) : 29 septembre 2008 (Novemberfilm)

* Représentant officiel du Tchad (Oscars 2003, USA)
* Best Cinematography, for Abraham Haile Biru (Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003)
* INALCO Award (Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003)
* UNICEF Award for Childhood (Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003)
* Baobab Seed Award (Graine de Baobab) (Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003)
* Firebird Award - Special Mention (Hong Kong International Film Festival 2003)
* Golden Crow Pheasant (Kerala International Film Festival, India, 2003)
* FIPRESCI Prize (Kerala International Film Festival, India, 2003) | "For the eloquent simplicity of its moving story about a young African boy searching for his'hero' father." (The FIPRESCI Jury)


* Sélection : Special Jubilee /// 40th International Film Festival Rotterdam - IFFR 2011 (Pays-Bas, 2011)

* Selection /// London African Film Festival (UK) | Screening / Projection : 2 décembre 2008

* Selection / Représentant officiel du Tchad /// Oscars 2003 (USA)

* Winner: Best Cinematography (Abraham Haile Biru) /// Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003
* Winner: INALCO Award /// Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003
* Winner: UNICEF Award for Childhood /// Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003
* Winner: Baobab Seed Award (Graine de Baobab) /// Ouagadougou Panafrican Film and Television Festival - FESPACO 2003

* Sélection /// Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (République tchèque, 2003) | Screening / Projection : 4 juillet 2003

* Winner:Firebird Award - Special Mention /// Hong Kong International Film Festival (Hong Kong, 2003) | Screening / Projection : 14 avril 2003

* Sélection /// Adelaide International Film Festival (Australie, 2003) | Screening / Projection : 1 mars 2003

* Winner: Golden Crow Pheasant /// Kerala International Film Festival (India, 2003)
* Winner: FIPRESCI Prize /// Kerala International Film Festival (India, 2003) | Screening / Projection : 15 décembre 2003 | "For the eloquent simplicity of its moving story about a young African boy searching for his'hero' father." (The Jury)

* Sélection /// International Film Festival Rotterdam - IFFR 2003 (Pays-Bas, 2003) | Screening / Projection : 22 janvier 2003

* Sélection /// Palm Springs International Film Festival (USA, États-Unis, 2003) | Screening / Projection : 12 janvier 2003

* Sélection /// Cork International Film Festival - CIFF 2002 (Irland) | Screening / Projection : 9 Nov 2002

* Nominee Golden Bayard (Best Film / Meilleur Film Francophone) /// Namur International Festival of French-Speaking Film - FIFF 2002 (Belgium) | Screening / Projection : 2 Oct 2002

* Sélection /// Toronto International Film Festival - TIFF 2002 (Canada) | Screening / Projection : 10 Sept 2002

* Sélection /// Quinzaine des Réalisateurs - Cannes 2002 (France)
* Nominee C.I.C.A.E. Award /// Quinzaine des Réalisateurs - Cannes 2002 (France)

Quelle / Fontes / Our Source / Quelle / Nos Sources (MAIS INFORMAÇÕES / READ MORE / PLUS D'INFOS) :
- Africiné Magazine
- https://mk2films.com/en/film/abouna-notre-pere/
- https://mk2films.com/film/abouna-notre-pere/
- www.unifrance.org/film/23495/abouna-notre-pere
- www.imdb.com/title/tt0307913/
- www.trigon-film.org/en/shop/DVD/Abouna_-_Our_Father
- www.trigon-film.org/fr/shop/DVD/Abouna
Updated by Thierno DIA, 27 July 2023



Amine, de cerca de oito anos, e Tahir, de 15, vivem com os pais na capital do Chade, N'djamena. Numa manhã de sábado, ao acordar, são surpreendidos pela notícia de que o pai abandonou a família. Juntos, decidem sair à sua procura, mas só encontram problemas. A partida do pai também debilitou a mãe das crianças. O cinema, um tio músico, uma escola muçulmana, um poster de uma praia no Marrocos e uma mulher jovem e surda surgem como solução. A felicidade está em algum lugar ou apenas nos livros?

Ahidjo Mahamat Moussa, Garba Issa, Hamza Moctar Aguid, Koulsy Lamko, Mounira Khalil, Zara Haroun.

em filme de
Mahamat-Saleh HAROUN

ficção, 81' (Chade, 2002).
Classificação: 14 anos.


1 files


19 files


28 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of