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Why Poverty? - Stealing Africa

  • Why Poverty? - Stealing Africa
© Photo: Lars Skree
Genre : Political
Type : Documentary
Original title : Hvorfor fattigdom? - Tyveriet af Afrika
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2012
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 58 (in minutes)

Exposing the truth behind why, despite almost unlimited natural wealth, Africa remains locked
in poverty. Investigating allegations of widespread criminality amongst outwardly respectable Fortune
500 and FTSE listed multinationals,"Stealing Africa"shows how, in the pursuit of profit,
powerful corporations are actively working against the interests of the world's poorest and
most vulnerable people. Nowhere is this illustrated more clearly than in Zambia. This Country sits on Africa's largest reserves of copper yet the majority here live on less than a dollar a day.
The government struggles to provide even basic healthcare or education, but for more than 20 years, enormous mining conglomerates have paid as little as 0.6% tax on the billions they have made from Zambia's resources. Following local investigative journalists, the film uncovers illicit flows of capital and complex tax evasion schemes designed to defraud the Zambian government out of hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

Danish title: Hvorfor fattigdom? - Tyveriet af Afrika
English title: Why Poverty? - Stealing Africa
Danish release: 15.11.2012
Country of origin: Denmark
Running length: 58 min
Technical data: HD-Cam SR / 16:9 / stereo
Language: English, French, German

Director: Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Screenplay: Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Director of photography: Lars Skree
Editor: Bodil Kjærhauge
Producer: Henrik Veileborg
Production: Guldbrandsen Film ApS
Finance(DK): Det Danske Filminstitut
With support from: Det Danske Filminstitut, DR TV
International sales: Steps International / Vester Voldgade 83, 1. / DK-1552 København V / t 3313 3003 / f 3313 3004 / m.heide@post.tele.dk

Category: Documentary
Website: www.whypoverty.net


Den zambiske journalist Ernest Chanda optrevler en gigantisk skattekarrusel. Skiftende regeringer har i ledtog med verdens mægtigste råvarehandlere systematisk snydt Zambia for mange millioner dollars. Gennem årtier har usunde alliancer mellem internationale institutioner, svage, korrupte regeringer og multinationale selskaber ført til en ekstrem koncentration af rigdom på få hænder og tilsvarende fattigdom dér, hvor råvarerne kommer fra. Ernests mission er at udnytte et muligt politisk momentum i den nyligt tiltrådte regering til at tage et opgør med Glencore, et multinationalt mineselskab, der opererer i Zambia. Ernest kan ikke acceptere, at Glencore ikke stilles til ansvar for deres systematiske skattesvindel for gigantiske summer, der egentlig tilhører den zambiske befolkning. Ernests gruopvækkende opdagelsesrejse ind i Glencores forretningsmodel er filmens dramatiske motor. Parallelt møder vi aktører fra den globale råvarehandel, der afdækker hvordan systemet hænger sammen og hvilke interesser, der er på spil.

nstruktør: Christoffer Guldbrandsen

Originaltitel: Stealing Africa

Udgivelsesår: 2012

Produktionsland: DK

Varighed: 58 min.

Kategori: DK/Dokumentarfilm

Oprindelsesland: Danmark

Emneord: Multinationale selskaber, Glencore, Handel, Råvarehandel, Korruption, Skattesnyderi, Zambia, 2000-2009, 2010-2019

Andre titler: Hvorfor fattigdom? - Tyveriet af Afrika
Udenlandsk titel: Why poverty? - Stealing Africa
Produktionsselskab: Danida, DR TV, Guldbrandsen Film, Steps International, DFI
Distribution: DR TV

Censur: Tilladt for børn over 15 år

Christoffer Guldbrandsen

Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Niels Holm

Henrik Veileborg (Producer)
Stine Meldgaard Madsen (Produktionsleder)

Lars Skree
Sebastian Winterø

Lars Skree

Bodil Kjærhauge


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of