Three miles from Lagos, in Nigeria, there is an island that caters to men in need of women. 3,000 prostitutes live here. Every day, they set off in flimsy canoes to meet some of the 100 to 120 vessels waiting to drop anchor in the harbor. The women are from Nigeria, but also from Liberia and Benin. The crush of waiting ships assure them an income that allows their families to survive. The prostitutes never remain on board ship, but some follow the men they meet there, and sometimes sailors disembark never to leave them again. Every Sunday, the island is invaded by preachers of virtue who try to get honest Christians to leave this "new Sodom and Gomorrah."
Director : Daniel Grandclément
Writer : Daniel Grandclément
Camera : Daniel Grandclément
Sound : Daniel Grandclément
Production : DGP (Levallois Perret, France)
Sales : France Télévisions Distribution (Paris, France)
Format: HD Cam - 16/9. Colour
Running time: 26 mn
Year of production: 2006
FIPA 2007 - Aspects of French Production
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