SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central

Colas, le dictionnaire

Genre : Social
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2003
Format : Short
Running time : 16 (in minutes)

Colas is a fisherman in Mauritius. But his real passion is reading his dictionary - much to the chagrin of Elise, his wife, who complains about her husband's laziness. When he discovers that Elise has ripped out the pages of the dictionary to wrap the doughnuts she sells, Colas will do anything to satisfy his need to read.

Filmmaking, script and editing by David CONSTANTIN
With: Jean-Claude CATHEYA (Colas) / Jennifer ALCINDOR (Elise)
Production: Camélon Limitée / K productions
Image: Laurence MILAN / Nathalie SAVOLDELLI
Sound: Philippe ADONE / Pierre GERVAL

Language: Mauritian Creole with French subtitles
Shot in Mauritius

Summary for official catalogues


1 files


1 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

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