SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity
Sanaa Central


Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title : Soukar Banet - سكَر بنات
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Feature
Running time : 95 (in minutes)

قصة سيدات لبنانيات من أعمار وثقافات وطوائف مختلفة، تتلاقين في أحد صالونات التجميل في بيروت. لكل منهن قصتها، ولكل قصة معاناتها وسحرها وأحزانها؛ كلهن يعشن مخاوف العمر والوحدة والحب، وكلهن في صراع مع الذات والمجتمع والقيود والتقاليد، في تناقضـــاتها وأحكامها وخصوصيتها. بأسلوب سلس وممتع ورقيق، تجمع الصداقة والمحبة بينهن، لتمشين معاً في طريقهن مع

الأسرار والأمل ولحظات السعادة المخطوفة.


In Beirut, five women meet up at a beauty salon, a highly colourful and sensual microcosm. Layale loves Rabih, but he is married man. Nisrine is a Muslim and she has a problem with her coming wedding: she's no longer a virgin. Rima is tormented by her attraction to women. Jamale is refusing to grow old. Rose has sacrificed herself to look after her older sister. At the salon, men, sex and motherhood are the subjects at the heart of their intimate and liberated conversations.

Layale is the mistress of a married man. Nisrine will soon have a traditional Muslim wedding, but she's no longer a virgin. Rima is attracted to other women. Jamale is obsessed by her looks and aging. Rose has sacrified her life to care for her older sister. The lives of these five lebanese women intertwine in a Beirut beauty salon which becomes a colorful microcosm of several generations of women confronting the hypocrisy of a constraining social system. Torn between Eastern traditions and Western modernism, these women share intimate and provocative opinions about men, sex and motherhood. Friendship and trust will carry them through their difficult love choices, protected secrets and stolen moments of happiness.

2007, 35mm, colour, 95'
Vers: Italian

Director: Nadine Labaki
Screenplay: Rodney El Haddad, Jihad Hojeily, Nadine Labaki
Cinematography: Yves Sehnaoui
Editing: Laure Gardette
Music: Khaled Mouzannar
Sound: Pierre-Yves Lavoué, Hervé Guyader

Nadine Labari, Yasmine Elmasri=Yasmine AL MASRI, Joanna Moukarzel, Gisèle Aouad, Adel Karam, Sihame Haddad, Aziza Semaan, Fatmeh Safa, Dimitri Staneofski, Fadia Stella, Ismaïl Antar

Nadine Labaki... Layale
Yasmine Elmasri... Nisrine (as Yasmine Al Masri)
Joanna Moukarzel... Rima
Gisèle Aouad... Jamale
Adel Karam... Youssef
Sihame Haddad... Rose (as Siham Haddad)
Aziza Semaan... Lili
Fatmeh Safa... Siham
Dimitri Staneofski... Charles
Fadia Stella... Christine
Ismaïl Antar... Bassam
Yousra Karam... Salon client
Victoria Bader... Salon client

Les Films des Tournelles
(Paris, T +33 142776234; F +33 142777670; tournelles@tournelles.com)

Les Films de Beyrouth, Roissy Films, Sunnyland, ARTE France Cinéma

Bac Films
(Paris, T +33 (0)153535252; F +33 (0)153535253; bac@bacfilms.fr)

World sales:
Roissy Films
(Paris, T +33 (0)153535050; F +33 (0)142892693; contact@roissyfilms.com)


2009 | MedFilm Festival | ROME, Italy | 7-15 Nov | www.lescinemasdusud.org | www.medfilmfestival.org
* Le Regard des Autres

2007 | Cannes Film Festival | CANNES, France | 17-27 May 2007 | www.lescinemasdusud.org |
> Projection (Pavillon des Suds)
> Quinzaine des Realisateurs (Directors Fornight)

2007 | San Sebastián International Film Festival |
* Audience Award (TCM-Audience Award/ Premio TCM del público)
* Sebastian Award (SEBASTIANE 2007 AWARD)
* Youth Jury Award


Un intreccio toccante e dolce amaro di storie al femminile, ambientate in un salone di bellezza di Beirut. Cinque donne che si incontrano e popolano di confidenze, desideri e tabù sociali un microcosmo colorato e pieno di sensualità. Layale amare Rabih, un uomo sposato. Nisrine è una musulmana prossima al matrimonio, ma è ossessionata da un grosso problema: ha già perso la verginità. Rima è tormentata dall'attrazione che prova verso un'altra donna. Jamale non riesce ad accettare l'età che avanza. Infine c'è Rose, che ha sacrificato gli anni migliori della sua vita per occuparsi della sorella maggiore.

Regia: Nadine Labaki

2007, 35mm, colour, 95'
Vers: Italiana


En Beirut, cinco mujeres coinciden regularmente en una peluquería, un microcosmos colorido y sensual en el que se entrecruzan varias generaciones que hablan y se hacen todo tipo de confidencias entre sí. Layale quiere a Rabih, pero Rabih está casado. Nisrine es musulmana y su próxima boda plantea un problema: ella ya no es virgen. Rima está atormentada por su atracción hacia las mujeres y vive pendiente de las visitas a la peluquería de una bella clienta de pelo largo. Jamale se niega a envejecer. Rose ha sacrificado su vida por ocuparse de su hermana mayor. En la peluquería, los hombres, el sexo y la maternidad centran sus conversaciones entre cortes de pelo y depilaciones a base de caramelo.

Nadine Labaki

Nadine Labaki

Yves Sehnaoui

Laure Gardette

Khaled Mouzanar

Nadine Labaki, Yasmine Al Masri, Joanna Moukarzel, Gisèle Aouad, Adel Karam

Anne-Dominique Toussaint
Les Films des Tournelles

Les Films de Beyrouth / Roissy Films / Sunnyland / Arte France Cinéma

Roissy Films
58, rue Pierre Charron
75008 Paris
Tel 33 1 53 53 50 50
Fax 33 1 42 89 26 93

96 m.

Líbano - Francia

El PREMIO TCM DEL PÚBLICO de la 55º Edición del Festival de Cine de San Sebastián, dotado con 70.000 euros de ayuda para su promoción, recae en la película "Caramel", de Nadine Labaki, distribuida en España por Alta Classics S.L. Ha obtenido 8,614 puntos sobre un máximo de 10.


7 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of