2 files
The titular hero Ajani-Ogun is a young hunter who tries to regain his late father's land, which had been wrested from his mother by a corrupt official. In the process, he must fight against traditional authorities as well as modern corruption.
A film by Ola Balogun
Nigeria, 1976, fiction, 120‘, OV/EnglS, color, 35 mm (shot in 16 mm)
starring Duro Ladipo and his theater company, Mope Ilori, Ade Afolayan
Nigerian cinema's first box office hit.
AJANI-OGUN was made in collaboration with the well-known theatre-maker Duro Ladipo, who also wrote the music that was released on LP at the same time as the film.
Zwischen Musikfilm (dabei stark von dem in Nigeria seinerzeit populären Bollywood-Kino inspiriert), Humoreske und Rachedrama angesiedelt, war dies der erste Kassenerfolg des nigerianischen Kinos, der zugleich die Yoruba-Wandertheater-Kultur in den Film einführte.
Ein film von Ola Balogun
Nigeria, 1976, fiction, 120‘, Yoruba mit eng./frz. UT 35 mm (shot in 16 mm)