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Between the Cup and the Elections

  • Entre la coupe et l'élection
Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title : Tra i Mondiali e le elezioni [Italy]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2007
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 56 (in minutes)

Looking for a myth, "The Leopards of Zaire", in contemporary Congo. They were the first black African soccer team ever to take part in a world cup.

Two young Congolese filmmakers decide to make a documentary to leave an everlasting memory of the national team which in 1974 took part in the World Cup: it was the first African national team to get through the selection for the World Cup! Today the wizards of the ball have been forgotten and some have already sunk into poverty. The two student filmmakers decide to deal with this subject precisely when the first political elections are held: another memorable time in the history of the Congo. Old and new dreams meet in a country which after 40 years of dictatorship and endless civil wars is in a state of total decline.

RDC/Benin - 2008
by Monique Phoba Mbeka and Guy Kabeya | Congo, Benin, Belgium 2008 | 56:00 min.

Direction: Monique Phoba Mbeka - Guy Kabeya Muya
Screenplay: Monique Phoba Mbeka
Camera: Monique Phoba Mbeka e Guy Kabeya Muya
Editing: Monique Phoba Mbeka
Sound: Olivier Kifoyi Bieta, Richard Mbembi Ndongala
Music: "Ndungu Yangu" del Trio Baruti
Format: Video
Time: 56 min.
Original Version: Francese
Production: Lagunimages e Kabola Films

Comocongo (Monique Phoba)
tel: +32 476 736062


Due giovani congolesi decidono di girare un documentario per lasciare imperitura memoria delle stelle della squadra nazionale che nel 1974 aveva partecipato alla Coppa del Mondo: la prima nazionale africana a passare la selezione ai Mondiali! Oggi gli assi del pallone sono stati dimenticati, alcuni sono già decaduti in miseria. I due giovani studenti cineasti scelgono di trattare questo soggetto proprio in occasione delle prime elezioni politiche: un altro momento memorabile nella storia del Congo. Antichi e nuovi sogni s'incontrano in un Paese che dopo 40 anni di dittatura e interminabili guerre civili, si ritrova in uno stato di degrado totale.

Nazionalità: RDC/Benin

Regia: Monique Phoba Mbeka - Guy Kabeya Muya
Sceneggiatura: Monique Phoba Mbeka
Fotografia: Monique Phoba Mbeka e Guy Kabeya Muya
Montaggio: Monique Phoba Mbeka
Suono: Olivier Kifoyi Bieta, Richard Mbembi Ndongala
Musica: "Ndungu Yangu" del Trio Baruti
Formato: Video
Durata: 56 min.
Versione originale: Francese
Produzione: Lagunimages e Kabola Films

Comocongo (Monique Phoba Mbeka)
tel: +32 476 736062


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Entre la coupe et l'élection (Teaser)



  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of