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A Summer in Boujad

  • Un été à Boujad (A Summer in Boujad)
Type : Fiction
Original title : صيف في بجّعد
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2022
Format : Feature
Running time : 80 (in minutes)

Seven years after the death of his mother, 13-year-old Karim leaves Paris for Morocco with his father Messaoud, who has remarried and decides to return to his homeland.

In the summer of 1986, Karim, 13 years old and an intern at Lycée Lyautey in Casablanca, goes to Boujad for the summer holidays. He has not returned since the death of his mother seven years earlier.
He reunites with his father Messaoud, his stepmother and his half-brother.
But the reunion is colder than he had expected.
Karim finds refuge outside the family home when he meets the neighborhood kids:
Krimo and his gang, as well as the beautiful Nadia. But it is in Mehdi's company, the local bully, that Karim will discover the hidden face of the city and attempt to regain the place he feels he has lost in his own family.

starring / avec
Yassir Kazzouz, Hatim Seddiki, Laila Fadili, Azzelarab Keghat, Ahmed Elmelkouni

a film by / un film de

Morocco / France / Belgium, 2022, Feature fiction, 1h20 minutes, Drama, in Arabic

First Feature Narrative / 1er Long-métrage Fiction

Original Title (Arabic) / Titre VO (arabe) : Un été à Boujad - صيف في بجّعد
International Title (English) / Titre international (Anglais) : A SUMMER IN BOUJAD
Title (France) / Titre (France) : Un été à Boujad
Runtime / Durée : 80' (1h 20 min)
Type / Type : Feature Fiction / Long-métrage Fiction
Genre : Drama / Drame
Language / Langue de tournage : Arabic, French / Arabe, Français
Countries of Production / Pays de Production : Morocco, France, Belgium / Maroc, France, Belgique
Year of production / Année de production : 2022
Year of Release / Année de Sortie : 2022
Colors / Couleurs : Color / Couleur
Aspect Ratio / Format image : 2.35 : 1
Estimated Budget / Budget prévisionnel :

Seven years after the death of his mother, 13-year-old Karim has left Paris for Morocco with his father Messaoud, who has remarried and decided to return to his homeland. After a year at a French boarding school in Casablanca, Karim joins the newly blended family - including his new half-brother, stepmother and his father's mother-in-law - for the summer in Boujad, a small town in central Morocco. Already muddled by the anxieties of adolescence, Karim struggles to understand their world and establish his place in a family of strangers. Meanwhile, his father - having discovered how little he really knows about Morocco after decades in France - is finding it difficult to adjust and even more challenging to relate to a boy beginning to show signs of rebellion. Their tumultuous relationship is at the heart of director Omar Mouldouira's personal story, tenderly told, which encourages us to reflect on our own family bonds.

Yassir Kazzouz.....................................................
Hatim Seddiki.....................................................
Laila Fadili..........................................................
Azzelarab Keghat................................................ Hajj El Maati
Ahmed Elmelkouni..............................................
Adam Morjani......................................................
Hiba Aouad.........................................................

Executive Producer / Producteur Délégué :
Mohamed Nadif (Awman Productions)

Producers / Producteurs :
Mohamed Nadif (Awman Productions)
Valentin Leblanc (Black Boat Pictures)
Delphine Duez (White Boat Pictures)

Omar Mouldouira

Scénario / Screenplay
Omar Mouldouira

Director of Photography / Directeur de la photo
Jean-Marc Selva

Sound Recordist (Production sound mixer) / Ingénieur du son (Chef opérateur du son) :
Mehdi El Filali

Main Composer / Compositeur Principal :
Simon Fransquet

Composer / Compositrice :
Yasmine Meddour

Editing / Montage :

Re-recording mixer / Mixeur :
Vincent Arnardi

Production design / Décors :

Costumes design / Costumes :
Anissa Reggab

1st Assistant Director / 1ère assistante réalisateur :
Amina Saadi

Production Managers / Directeurs de production :

Colorist / Étalonnage :
Alexandra Pocquet

Laboratory supervisors / Superviseurs Laboratoire
Sofiane Benabdallah
Laszlo Chatelard

1st assistant camera / 1er Assistant Opérateur Caméra :
Yacine Janah

Key grip / Chef machiniste :
Hassan Louassi

Awman Productions (Maroc)
Black Boat Pictures (France)
White Boat Pictures (Belgium)

C.C.M. (Centre Cinématographique Marocain)

La Région Ile-de-France
Sabam for Culture

France :
Middle East : Awman Productions


CONTACT (Print Copy / Diffusion du film, Festivals)

France :


*Panorama des Cinémas du Maghreb et du Moyen orient (PCMMO) 2024
*JCC 2023
* World Premiere / Première Mondiale /// 2022 RSIFF - Red Sea International Film Festival (Djeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2022) | Screening / projection: 7 Dec 2022 | https://redseafilmfest.com/en/2022-films/?

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- https://awman-productions.com/fr/films/un-ete-a-boujad.html
- www.imdb.com/title/tt15568240/
- https://redseafilmfest.com/en/2022-films/?

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- https://awman-productions.com/fr/films/un-ete-a-boujad.html
- https://awman-productions.com/en/films/un-ete-a-boujad.html
- https://awman-productions.com/ar/films/un-ete-a-boujad.html
- https://omarmouldouira.wixsite.com/realisateur
- www.imdb.com/title/tt15568240/
- www.ciff.org.eg/en/cfc-projects/a-summer-in-boujad/
- www.crew-united.com/en/Un-ete-a-Boujad__299002.html
- https://redseafilmfest.com/en/2022-films/?
Updated by Thierno Dia, on 23 Nov 2022


صيف في بجعد

في صيف 1986، كريم، 13 عامًا، تلميذ بداخلية ثانوية اليوطي في الدار البيضاء، يصل لمدينة بجعد لقضاء العطلة الصيفية. لم يعد إليها منذ وفاة والدته قبل 7 سنوات، إذ يجد هناك والده مسعود وزوجة أبيه وأخيه غير الشقيق. لكن لم الشمل كان أكثر برودة مما كان متوقعا
فيجد كريم ملجأ في الخارج حيث يلتقي بأطفال الحي، كريمو وعصابته وكذلك نادية الجميلة. لكنه بصحبة مهدي، مرعب الحي، البالغ من العمر 16 عامًا، سيكتشف الجانب الخفي من المدينة ويحاول استعادة المكانة التي يعتقد أنه فقدها داخل أسرته

ينضم كريم البالغ من العمر 13 عامًا إلى أسرته الجديدة المكوّنة من أخيه غير الشقيق وزوجة أبيه، وذلك لقضاء فصل الصيف في بلدة صغيرة وسط المغرب تدعى بوجاد. ولكن تتجلّى معاناته من وفاة والدته مؤخرًا ومغادرة باريس مسقط رأسه إلى المغرب، حيث تظهر مخاوف المراهقة وقلق التأقلم مع عالم جديد ومخيف، وبين هذا وذاك يحاول ترسيخ مكانته المفقودة وسط عائلة من الغرباء فيما يحاول والده احتواء ابنه الذي يشعر بالغربة في وطنه، في إطار دراميّ يعيد تعريف العلاقات العائلية ويدعو للتفكير بعمق في أواصرها

لعمر مولدويرة

صيف في بجّعد
عائلة ودراما | مدة العرض: 80 دقيقة
2022 / حوار بالعربية

بلد الانتاج: المغرب وفرنسا وبلجيكا
إخراج: عمر مول الدويرة
العرض العالمي الأول

TEASER - Un été à Boujad from Omar Mouldouira on Vimeo.

محمد نظيف

ياسر كزوز ، حاتم الصديقي ، ليلى الفاضلي ، عز العرب الكغاط ، أحمد الملكوني ، آدم مورجاني ، هبة عواد

عمر مول الدويرة

التوزيع للشرق الأوسط
أومان للإنتاج

Our Sources / Nos Sources :
- https://redseafilmfest.com/ar/2022-films/?film_id=3430&film_name=A%20SUMMER%20IN%20BOUJAD
- https://awman-productions.com/ar/films/un-ete-a-boujad.html


7 files


  • Culture and Development East Africa
  • Mambo magazine
  • Zanzibar International Film Festival
  • Arterial network Tanzania chapter
  • Maisha Music

With the support of